Books we read…

Spring 2024

Satomi’s Spring selections:

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Ryoma’s Spring selection

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マスカレード・ホテル 東野圭吾



疾風ロンド 東野圭吾


Rama’s Spring selections:

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The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau 

This book provided good insight concerning business, it taught many things of which some I already knew of and some things that Impacted me greatly. The one thing that struck me the most was the Idea that although planning is important, taking action is even more important. I have always wanted to do many things, and I plan for them well, but I always seem to get stuck after the planning. I realized that just planning for something is useless, as planning without action is just a waste of time, thus I will from now on take this lesson and apply it to my life.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl (著) 

This book taught me the importance of hope. One of the biggest lessons from the book “He who has a ‘why’ to live for can bear almost any how.” As someone who is in the middle of a bridge between teen and adult. I have had a tough time knowing why I am living, but now I know what it does not matter why, it matters more that there is a why. Once I understood this, I did not judge myself for having seemingly petty dreams but instead embraced myself as the why is different for everyone and there shouldn’t be a correct answer to why one lives.

Mitsuki’s Spring selections:

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なぜ働いていると本が読めなくなるのかLinks to an external site. by 三宅香帆


This book addresses the problems of “I no longer enjoy reading as an adult” and “I am too busy with work to enjoy my hobbies” by looking back at the history of reading. This book was perfect for me because I too felt that as I grew up, I could no longer concentrate on reading books.


by アンデシュ・ハンセン:Anders Hansen


This book points out that the use of smartphones affects memory and concentration, as well as depression, addiction, and other illnesses. This book made me think about how to deal with smartphones based on the structure of the human brain.

Manami’s Spring selections:

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著者:湊 かなえ


<Sapphire>by Kanae Minato

This book is a collection of short stories titled after the names of gemstones. Of the seven stories – pearls, rubies, diamonds, cat’s-eye stones, moonstones, sapphires, and garnets – I really liked the “moonstones”.



著者:湊 かなえ


<Human Specimen>by Kanae Minato

This is a book about the murders of beautiful boys who are made to look like butterflies and used as specimens. It was a book that I couldn’t stop reading even though I felt ” It’s creepy and weird.”

Kyosuke’s Spring Selections

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変な家  著者:雨穴


アンジェポステコグルー 変革者  著者 ジョン クリーチャン 訳 高取 芳彦  解説 下田  恒幸


Kota’s Spring selections:

Kota mixed fiction and non-fiction:

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苦しかったときの話をしようか ビジネスマンの父が我が子のために書きためた「働くことの本質」は日本の有名なマーケターである、森岡毅による自伝である。日本の数々の低迷した会社を復興に導いてきたマーケターの本は参考になることが多く、就活が控えた今の自分にとっても役に立つ一冊だと思う。

Hayqal’s Spring selections:

Hayqal read two books by Freida McFadden:

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The Perfect Son is a story is about a mother named Erika who is worried about her teenage son, Liam. Things get strange when A high school girl goes missing from their quiet neighborhood, and the police think she might have been murdered. Liam was the last person to see her. Erika always felt that there was something strange and disturbing about her son, even though he seemed perfect on the outside.

N. Hannah’s Quick selections:

This semester, I read two books by Jonas Jonasson:

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These books captivate with their unique plot and detective flair. Witty and humorous, the author takes readers on Allan’s and Nombeka’s wild adventures, reflecting on the centenarian’s extraordinary journey. Through clever and imaginative storytelling, the author reveals an intriguing worldview, rich in cultural diversity and layered with mysteries. The narrative’s fictional elements bring to life a unique perspective on the world, highlighting its complexities and endless wonders.