On Knowledge and Learning

At the end of the Spring (2024) Semester, students were asked to reflect on two questions:

  1. How has your understanding of knowledge and learning changed over the course of this semester?
  2. What can students do to ensure they become better learners AND develop higher-level thinking skills? 

Click on the students’ names to see what they answered:

Question 1:

As mentioned above, we were assigned to read two books, but without these assignments, I would not have had the opportunity to read, so I feel that these were good assignments. Also, in the assignment to research history, I was able to learn about foreign history and events that are not well known in Japan, which was interesting. Above all, since this class involves a lot of exposure to English, I was initially anxious about the English-only class, but I was able to train my ears and have the opportunity to use English actively, and even more so, because everyone responded to me when I was talking, I was able to enjoy the class and ultimately felt that it was a good thing. My study abroad, which was canceled in high school due to COVID-19, has now become a reality as a university student, so I hope that I can further improve my English through this experience.


Question 2:

I think it is important to read books to acquire higher-level thinking skills. There are a wide variety of genres of books, such as educational books and essays, but I think reading novels is especially important. This is because reading novels can help you improve your vocabulary. By improving your vocabulary, you can incorporate new words and expressions, which improves your writing skills. University students like us have many report assignments, and each report often has a word limit. In such a situation, I think that if you have a large vocabulary and a rich ability to express yourself, writing a report will not be a pain. Another advantage of reading books is that it helps you gain knowledge, which is also related to learning expressiveness. Furthermore, reading books helps you train your concentration. I don’t like reading very much, but considering these reasons, I feel that I should have read more when I was younger.



Question 1:

Throughout this semester, I have considered knowledge to be an awareness that includes not only successful experiences but also unsuccessful experiences, what one felt and did at the time, facts acquired from various studies, and one’s own beliefs about them. Therefore, knowledge can contain not only correct content but also incorrect content. Also, it seems that the learner’s own thoughts and feelings are applied to knowledge, and the person makes the decision to believe or not believe it, and I understood that people perceive things differently. On the other hand, I have considered that learning is something that is done in order to gain knowledge, and is an act that occurs based on the attitude and desire to learn. I learned that if learners do not try to learn on their own, it is difficult to obtain correct knowledge, and there is a possibility that they will continue to hold only incorrect knowledge.


Question 2: 

In order for students to become better learners and acquire higher-level thinking skills, I think they need to grow by learning gradually from lower levels to higher levels, like Bloom’s taxonomy. It is important to acquire the six categories of memorization, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation, and I thought it was necessary to know how you think, try to understand the thoughts of others, and always question them. I think it is also useful to set learning goals on a daily basis, develop lesson plans based on them, and think about the content to be learned and the activities to learn. I also think that greater effectiveness can be achieved if students take the initiative and study with their own interest.


Question 1:

Before taking Ross’s class, I used to think that learning is something I do on my own, using some tool such as paper, pen, or computer. However, over the course of this semester I have learned that learning is both a doing and a happening. In behaviorism, learning is automatically accomplished when the proper response is shown following the presentation of a particular environmental stimulus. The key is the relationship between stimulus and response. If the correct response is observed, the association is reinforced and more is learned. For example, when doing a math question, the question is the stimulus and the answer is the response. Also, when we study operant conditioning as proposed by B.F. Skinner, I found that reinforcement and punishment work very effectively in our learning. I found it interesting that a reinforced response is more likely to occur again in the future.

Before taking Ross’s class, I used to think that knowledge means information obtained as a result of learning in school or at a cram school. However, I now know that knowledge is not only the result of learning, but also includes a variety of skills and experiences.
I remember one of the most memorable words from the class. It is “you don’t know what you don’t know” introduced by Ross. I learned that if much knowledge is power, knowing what I do not know is even more useful knowledge.

私は、Ross(Miller先生)の授業を受講するまでは、学習は、紙やペン、コンピューターなど何らかのツールを使用して、自分で行うことであると考えていました。しかし、今学期を通して私は、学習は、行うことであると同時に、起こることであると学びました。行動主義において学習は、特定の環境刺激の提示に続いて適切な反応が示されたときに自動的に達成されます。重要なのは、刺激と反応の関係です。正しい反応が見られれば、関連性が強化され、より多くを学ぶことができます。例えば、数学の問題を解くとき、問題が刺激で、答えが反応となります。また、B.F. Skinnerが提唱したオペラント条件付けを学んだ際は、強化と罰が私たちの学習に非常に有効にはたらくことがわかりました。強化された反応は、将来また起こる可能性が高くなるという点は面白いと感じました。



授業の中で一番印象に残っている言葉があります。それは、Rossが紹介してくれた「you don’t know what you don’t know(自分が何を知らないのか分からない)」です。多くの知識が力となるのであれば、知らないことを知ることは更に有益な知恵であるということを学びました。

Question 2: 

What students need to do to become better learners and develop higher-level thinking skills is to know what they do not know and arrange their learning environment. If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is even more useful wisdom. I didn’t know I was ignorant in many areas until I heard Ross say, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” I realized that ignorance is a scary thing. At the same time, I felt like I had leveled up as a learner by discovering what I do not know. The important thing is not just to accumulate a lot of knowledge, but to recognize what we don’t know and keep learning. It is also important to rethink the learning environment, because learning is something that lasts a lifetime. Students should analyze what things are reinforcing and what things are weakening them, think about what rewards inspire them and what punishments are effective, and adapt themselves to the learning environment.

より良い学習者になり、より高いレベルの思考力を身につけるために学生がすべきことは、自分が何を知っていないかを知ることと、学習環境を整えることです。多くの知識が力となるのであれば、知らないことを知ることは更に有益な知恵です。私は、Rossから「you don’t know what you don’t know」という言葉を聞くまで、いろんな分野において自分が無知であることを知りませんでした。無知とは怖いものだと実感しました。それと同時に、知らないことを発見した自分は学習者としてレベルアップをしたように感じました。大切なことは、単に多くの知識を蓄えることではなく、知らないことを認識し、それに対して謙虚な姿勢で学び続けることです。学びは一生続くものであるため、自分の学習環境を見つめ直すことは非常に重要です。学生は、自分にとって、何が強化になっていて、何が弱化に繋がっているのかを分析したり、自分を奮い立たせる褒美は何か、そして罰は何が有効かを考えたりして、自分を学びの場に適応させることをすべきであると考えます。

Question 1:

During this semester my understanding has improved a lot from various aspects. I believe there are various types and levels of knowledge, such as practical knowledge from experience and theoretical knowledge from studies. I realized that learning is not just about memorizing things but also about understanding concepts and applying them in different situations. As Mr. Miller once explained that, if we only learn something just because it is required for a grade and we do it seriously only at that time and then forget it after finishing it, the knowledge we have learned will only be in vain. I now see knowledge as something that grows and expands through new experiences and information. If that knowledge is never sharpened or recalled, then it will only be in vain. I remember one time I thought that I fully understood a scientific concept, then I stopped finding out further or teaching it to people around me and didn’t repeat it or apply it in life. In the end I forgot about everything and it just became waste. This taught me that knowledge is often incomplete and that we must be open to new information and perspectives. And curiosity is important for acquiring knowledge because it encourages us to explore, ask questions, and learn more.


Question 2:

As I mentioned before, curiosity is important for acquiring knowledge because it encourages us to explore, ask questions, and learn more. Students can become better learners and develop higher thinking skills by remaining curious and asking questions about what they are learning. This is very important because they can practice their critical thinking and sharpen their analytical skills towards something, so that when they are faced with something new to them, they can analyze it and apply it in different situations. Reflecting on the lessons they have learned and looking for feedback from teachers and peers can also help improve their skills. In addition, being broad-minded and always open to new experiences can also develop their mindsets. I think with all this practice students can build a foundation for their learning and develop their thinking skills.



Question 1:

Rather than changing, I think my understanding of knowledge and learning has deepened. I knew roughly how the brain works and how people learn, but I didn’t know in detail until this course.
First of all explicit and implicit learning, I’ve never categorized my learning before and I’ve always enjoyed implicit learning, learning that I figure out for myself but now I know how to categorize it, explicit learning on the other hand is useful but I think because of the uncomfortable nature of schools for children I’ve developed a disdain for explicit learning because that’s how things are mostly taught in schools.
Formal and informal learning is also interesting, in terms of which I prefer, I think it is easier to be fed information than to learn it on your own but learning it on your own helps the information to stick more. 
Bloom’s taxonomy is also interesting. It suggests that there are different levels of thinking and learning and that different levels are used depending on how the learning takes place. Understanding this concept is very useful for effective teaching. I don’t intend to be a teacher, but teaching is important not only for teachers, but for many different areas, such as being a parent or a boss, and also for my own learning. So, I am sure this information will be useful one day.





Question 2: 

I believe that learning about different learning styles, such as explicit, implicit, informal and formal learning, as well as Bloom’s taxonomy, can be beneficial in improving learning and cognitive processes. However, I believe that the most important aspect is to determine which methods are effective for each individual. It is important to recognize that individuals have different learning styles, preferences and interests. These factors should be taken into account when developing strategies to increase learning effectiveness.
The most important thing is to understand yourself first. This does not mean avoiding new experiences but understanding that the purpose of trying new things is to find out what works best for you, rather than to conform to societal norms or external expectations.
The nature of schools and classrooms is a major source of frustration for me. It is difficult, if not impossible, for teachers to learn what works for each individual student. The pupil/teacher ratio is often too high to make this a realistic possibility. However, with the advent of AI, there is potential for significant improvement in this area. The use of AI in education has the potential to help teachers understand and identify students. However, given the current state of schools, it could have a detrimental rather than beneficial effect on students. It could foster a sense of inferiority in those who do not conform to the expectations of a system that demands uniformity. Homeschooling can be an effective solution as it allows students to learn at their own pace and identify their own learning style. In addition, parents have more time to understand their children’s needs compared to a classroom setting where one teacher is responsible for several students.



Question 1:

I think that I have been changing my life through this semester. There has been some impressive things about leraning terms in this class. First,  humans are like a rats, all animals can learn through repetition. For example, when rats realise that they can press a button to get food, they will press the button repeatedly. This is the same as in humans, where Mr. Ross  gives questions to students and if we can answer them, he gives us reward such as chocolate or candy.  This allows students to be more engaged in the class. I felt that this is a kind of learning. Another example was the Pavlov’s dog. The system is designed to give food when a sound is calling and the experiment shows that if this is done every day, the dog will start drooling just when the sound is played. In other words, by linking the sound to the food, it leads to learning.

I feel that this semester change my mind more reasonable thinking with all actions.


Question 2:

I think that becoming  a better learner using those learning styles and knowledge, it would be good to be able to apply those things. I feel that I don’t just use what I have been taught in this class, but I want to use it at a more advanced level. By doing this, I feel that I need to know more about them. For example, we have learnt about Pavlov’s dog in this lesson, but how can we apply it to make effective use of it in our daily lives? I have thought about this. Firstly, using this principle in my daily life, I set up a sound that plays at some times on a day. When that sound calls, I start studying or doing assignments. If I keep doing this on a daily basis, we can make it a habit to study or work on an assignment because of this sound. 
 I also think this could be applied to other things, such as waking up and getting ready when this sound calls.


Question 1:

Throughout this semester, my understanding of knowledge and learning has changed dramatically. I used to think that knowledge was simply memorizing facts and information. However, through this semester’s classes, I have learned that memory is about remembering information, retaining it, and recalling it later. Also, in terms of learning, I used to think that learning was simply memorizing information and then outputting it on a test or something. However, through this semester’s classes, I have learned that learning is about responding appropriately to what is given. I have learned that the most important factor that influences learning is the environmental conditions in which the learner is in a relationship with the environment, such as how he or she responds to a given task. They also learned how to learn to adapt to rewards and punishments, voluntarily increasing or decreasing the desired behavior. In summary, we gained a broader perspective on knowledge and learning and a more theoretical view of the learning process.


Question 2: 

To help students become better learners and develop higher-level thinking skills, it is important to incorporate several strategies based on behaviorism and Bloom’s taxonomy into learning. First, the theory of operant conditioning can be utilized to spontaneously increase or decrease the desired behavior. For example, when we want to create the habit of studying on holidays, we can apply operant conditioning to create a study habit. Specifically, by giving yourself a small reward each time you study, you can continue to reinforce the behavior.In addition, by incorporating Bloom’s taxonomy of six stages of educational goals into learning, knowledge can be acquired systematically and higher-order thinking skills can be developed. For example, one can develop the level of knowledge from the stage of recalling memorized knowledge to the stage of understanding through examples.By incorporating these strategies based on behaviorism and Bloom’s taxonomy, students can become better learners and develop higher-level thinking skills.


Question 1:

During this semester, my understanding of knowledge and learning has changed significantly. I have taken many classes up until now, and even though I have understood the content, I have never thought about the purpose of the class. I had never thought that deeply about knowledge, so my original ideas have changed significantly. I thought that if you knew something, you had knowledge. However, in reality, I learned that it is important to know something and then use it correctly in the right situation. In that sense, I think that there are actually very few people who have a correct understanding of the word knowledge. In class, we learned about the learning theory proposed by Skinner, which was very interesting. Skinner conducted research on rats using an experimental device he developed called the Skinner box. There was a rat in the box. There was a lever extending from the wall, and when this lever was pressed, a piece of food would fall into the food dish. At first, the rat would move around inside the box and accidentally press the lever, which would release the food. If this was repeated many times, the rat would eventually learn that “pressing the lever will release food.” This is the same for humans; by repeating an action, humans can also understand the mechanism and acquire knowledge.


Question 2: 

In class, we learned about the learning theory proposed by Skinner, which was very interesting. Skinner conducted research on rats using an experimental device he developed called the Skinner box. There was a rat in the box. There was a lever extending from the wall, and when this lever was pressed, a piece of food would fall into the food dish. At first, the rat would move around inside the box and accidentally press the lever, which would release the food. If this was repeated many times, the rat would eventually learn that “pressing the lever will release food.” This is the same for humans; by repeating an action, humans can also understand the mechanism and acquire knowledge. However, it is very difficult to maintain high motivation. To maintain that motivation, the students’ own feelings are important, but I think it is also important for teachers to make the students want to learn. The next important thing is the ability to continue. No matter how highly motivated you are, if you don’t continue studying, you can’t be called a good learner. And if you don’t continue studying, you will quickly forget what you’ve learned. So, just like Skinner’s learning theory, it’s important to continue to consolidate it into long-term memory.


Question 1:

At the beginning of the semester, I did not have much thought about the topic of knowledge and learning. I think learning is obvious and happens naturally. However, my perspective changed after many lessons, such as “Know and Believe” and other learning theories. One of the important moments was when I learned about Behaviorism and Bloom’s taxonomy. I began to realize that understanding how we learn is very important. Behaviorism, for example, is something I have observed in everyday life but could not call it out. Through this class, I not only learned how to recognize it but also clearly understood its principles and potential applications. For example, I see how rewards and punishments shape behavior in different settings, from the classroom to social interactions. Since I can name and understand these concepts, I feel more confident to apply them in the future, whether in personal development or potential teaching scenarios.

学期の初めには、知識と学習というテーマについてあまり考えていませんでした。学習は当たり前のことであり、自然に起こるものだと思っていました。しかし、「知ることと信じる」やその他の学習理論など、多くのレッスンを受けた後、私の見方は変わりました。重要な瞬間の 1 つは、行動主義とブルームの分類法について学んだときでした。学習方法を理解することが非常に重要であることに気づき始めました。たとえば、行動主義は日常生活で観察していたものの、それを指摘することはできませんでした。このクラスを通じて、行動主義を認識する方法を学んだだけでなく、その原則と潜在的な適用方法を明確に理解しました。たとえば、教室から社会的交流まで、さまざまな状況で報酬と罰がどのように行動を形作るかがわかります。これらの概念に名前を付けて理解できるため、将来、個人の成長や潜在的な教育シナリオにそれらを適用することに自信が持てるようになりました。

Question 2: 

It is necessary to understand that self-study is the most important thing for learning. This includes cultivating curiosity and motivation to explore topics on your own. Engaging in critical thinking and questioning material deepens understanding and promotes intellectual growth and creativity. Finding joy and excitement in the learning process can turn learning from a boring chore into a stimulating and enjoyable activity. However, a good study method is needed, which is important to maintain motivation and interest. One of the most powerful tools today is the internet. You can find information about Bloom’s taxonomy, for example, and many other self-study methods. Each person will have strengths in a different intelligence, so along with self-study, you need to learn about learning methods that suit you. Finally, develop effective learning strategies. This includes setting goals, organizing study sessions, and practicing active learning techniques such as summarizing information, teaching others, and applying knowledge to real-life situations. These methods not only strengthen understanding but also encourage the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
